We are an active and thriving school community!
Whether you are a new family to SJV or have been here for years, we invite and encourage you to become a part of our school activities and events. There’s something for everyone.
However you choose to be involved, you will find a community that welcomes and supports you and your family.
Scholastic Book Fair
Father/Daughter Dance
Scholarship Golf Tournament
The Annual Scholarship Golf Tournament is a long-standing community event that benefits the Sister Joan Marie Tuition Assistance Fund. Many of our alumni, parents and friends of SJV come together for a fun day of golf and dinner reception.
We are thankful for the amazing sponsors and volunteers that continues to contribute to making this event a success.Â
Committee Co-Chairpersons: Mark Lara & Raul Iniguez
Contact via email
DISCOVER Catholic Schools Week
Discover Catholic Schools Week is a week-long event celebrating all aspects of Catholic education. Each day during the week, we focus why Catholic education is important. During this week, we will also host Open House events for families interested in learning more about enrollment at SJV.
Contact Development Office via email for more information
CELEBRATE Catholic Schools Week
Catholic Schools Week is a week-long event that celebrates the key parts of our school community that makes Catholic education work. Each day during the week, we celebrate our parish, parents, teachers, and community. During this week, we will also host Open House events for prospective families interested in learning more about SJV and enrollment.
Crab Feed
Always a sold-out event, the Annual SJV Crab Feed is one of our biggest fundraisers featuring the delicious crab, music & dancing, silent & live auction plus a special performance by the graduating 8th Grade class. Every year features a theme and we go all out to make it a spectacular event!
Committee Chairperson: Jamie Secola
Contact via email
The Annual Walkathon is a fun school-wide fundraising event that promotes healthy living and exercise while benefitting the school. Each year, the fundraising focus on a different needs from the school.
Committee Chairperson: Renee Palacios
Contact via email
Grandparents Day
Popsicle Fun Run & 5K
Contact via email
Vikings School Store, Matching Grants, Scholarship Fund, On-Line Giving, Annual Fund
Contact via email