SJV 7th Grade Students Commemorate 50th Anniversary In the second encyclical of The Holy Father, Laudato si‘ (English: Praise Be to You!)*, Pope Francis addressed to “every person living on this planet” for an inclusive dialogue about how we are shaping the future of our planet. We love the different ways that our 7th Graders commemorated the 50th anniversary of Earth Day and helped carry on Pope Francis’ message! Check out some of our students’ creative writings!

*Laudato si‘ was published in 2015, after his first encyclical Lumen fidei (“The Light of Faith”), which was released in 2013. Click to read the entire Laudato Si. #sjvsj #stjohnvianneycatholicschool #sanjose #california #earthday #earthdaypoem #prayerfortheearth #creativewriting #lettertotheearth #middle #catholic #catholiceducation #catholicschool #distancelearning #school