We are excited to announce the 2021 SJV Annual Scholarship Golf Tournament will be held on Friday, October 22nd, 2021 at The Villages Golf & Country Club in San Jose, California.

We look forward to a fun day in the sun for golf aficionados and rookies alike! We’ll gather together as golfers, volunteers, and charitable contributors from all areas of our community to support a great cause, which benefits our students directly. After a memorable and relaxing day with friends in support of St. John Vianney Catholic School, we‘ll gather in the evening with a full buffet dinner plus silent auction, raffles and awards.

Moments from past SJV Annual Scholarship Golf Tournament events

as a single player or grab some friends and register as a twosome or foursome! The more the merrier! We also have SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES available that fits every budget and welcome your support of this fundraising event that benefits our students and their families directly.

Please contact Mark Lara and Raul Iniguez, SJV Golf Tournament Co-Chairs for any questions at golf@sjvsj.org. You may visit our registration page at . Go Vikings!

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