We are excited to be back on campus this Month! August has been historically called Back To School Month and we are ready for it! Parents are invited to a social held in the SJV Community Center after morning drop-off on the first day of school to enjoy light breakfast refreshments and catch up with friends.

There are several activities planned during the event.

Whether you are a new parent or a returning parent, come meet and get re-acquainted with your Room Parents for this school year! There will be designated tables to help you find your Room Parents and connect.

Discover ways to contribute to your school community and fulfill your service hours for this school year. Stop by a committee table and learn more about their goals/mission, how to sign up, etc. Our school committee Co-Chairs are looking for new members to join their team!

FINGERPRINTING SERVICE (7:30 am – 10:30 am)
Are you ready to volunteer? If you have not been fingerprinted yet (a requirement to volunteer at SJV), for your convenience, we have arranged for Verify Group to come to provide fingerprinting services. Make sure to stop by the Small Conference Rooms in the Community Center (there will be signs to help you find the rooms).

UNIFORM EXCHANGE (11 am – 1 pm)
Did your student(s) experience a growth spurt during the Summer? Bring their uniforms (in good condition without stains or tears) to the Small Conference Room and find a larger size to trade or purchase. Volunteers are needed as well! Visit https://signup.com/go/QujGzKJ for more information.

For more information about the Welcome Back To School Social, visit https://fb.me/e/L0Nf5all

Go Vikings!